May 2023

Updated by Adnan Pandjou

May 31st, 2023

  1. DataDog Integration: We're excited to announce the integration of Datadog and Sofy, providing seamless observability and robust automated testing capabilities across your applications, allowing you to monitor performance, identify issues, and ensure optimal user experiences with unprecedented ease.
  2. Long press: Users can now unlock more functionality and access additional options within their mobile App by simply clicking and holding down on elements to perform a long press gesture.
  3. Updates to Compare to Recording page: The updated User Interface on the Compare to Recording page clearly identifies the differences between the element selected during recording (baseline) and during the test execution (playback).
  4. Performance and security updates: Sofy Test cases are now passed through a compression algorithm, reducing the load time to open a test case, while adding an additional layer of security.
  5. Resiliency: Sofy's component detection, selection and matching algorithm continues to raise the bar and improve test case execution resiliency across multiple devices and form factors.
  6. Scheduled runs: Addressed bugs and improved experience for scheduling test execution.
  7. User Interface and User Experience: Several updates across the Sofy platform for improve user interface and user experience. For example, surfacing the variable name for a given step during execution, editing test case name and adding corresponding description, etc.

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