Adding a Visual Match to a Test Step

Visual Match allows you to override and fine-tune your click target in automated test steps. When enabled, you can draw a new bounding box around the element you’d like Sofy to select during test playback.

Visual Match is best used in the following cases:

  • When the XML path for the element is difficult to detect, such as
    • when an element is hidden under a popup or
    • when the elements on the screen are not uniquely defined based on best practices.
  • For WebView components and visual components such as barcodes
We do not recommend using Visual Match for the following scenarios:
1. Running the same automated test on devices that have largely different screen sizes. For example, the test was recorded on a mobile device and played on a tablet.
2. The custom bounds are drawn around an area that might contain noise. For example, if your app has a white background and the element you’ve selected has a lot of white space, the system might mark those white spaces as redundant, resulting in a false positive or incorrect match.
3. When there might be multiple elements on the screen which are visually identical, like many checkboxes on one screen or other similar-looking items such as similar-looking flags of countries
4. Element-matching which relies heavily on color, like a comparing two identical logos having slightly different color combinations
Tip: Add extra space around your template to help the tool find a match more accurately

Adding a Visual Match to a Test Step

  1. Log in to your Sofy account.
  2. Go to Automation from the left navigation bar.
    Callout over the Automation left navigation bar.
  3. Select a test case.
  4. Find and select the step you want to add a Visual Match override to, then select Edit from the popup.
  5. Select the Visual Match tab.
  6. Click the toggle to enable Visual Match.
  7. Check the Create Custom Bound box.
  8. In the image to the left, click and drag your mouse over the desired area to create a green custom-bound box. The box coordinates will appear in the Custom Bounds field.
    Note: Ensure that you’re as precise as possible when drawing the custom-bound box.
  9. If you need to redo the custom bound box:
    1. Click and drag your mouse again to remove the original box and create a new one.
    2. Click Remove next to the Custom Bounds field, then draw your box again in the image.
  10. Once you’re done, click Save Step Changes.
  11. Select Save Test in the top right-hand corner to finish saving your changes.

Note: You can’t use both a Manual Override and a Visual Match override in the same step.

Adding Visual Match During Validation

You no longer need to exit the lab to use Visual Match!

  1. You can do this during validation of a test case in lab. Simply click on Edit Step as shown below

  1. The Edit Modal will pop up with various options, including Visual Match, just as you see in offline mode.

You can then enable Visual Match for your use case.

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